Friday, November 21, 2008

Rain days

It's the start of Week 8 and the morning after the destructive storm that damaged thousands of homes in Brisbane's west. The site supervisor has left a message on my phone. How did we fare, I wonder. Have we lost our new roof? But no, North Lakes has been spared and he just wants to discuss some wall issues, such as whether or not to add decorative MDF inserts to the internal cutouts, or leave them square set so shutters can be installed.

There is some impact from the rain, though. The new roof has sprung a leak over the master bedroom and while I'm on site the site supervisor is up there checking it out personally. Didn't know that was in the job description! But I suspect there are many things this man does, purely for the satisfaction of a job well done. I count myself extremely lucky to have him as a supervisor. You be careful up there, won't you!

But the impact of the rain is much more evident next door, where the run-off has pooled around the back corner of the building and is rising up the brickwork. When the render was applied the workers had to wear gumboots. Any more rain and they'll need a diver's qualification! I'm just glad it's not my drainage.

Soon after our slab was laid, a layer of gravel was laid down and this has really helped improve drainage and movement around the site. Before that, if you walked around after rain you would end up with shoes caked in clay, slowing you down like a pair of concrete boots! The layer of gravel is not something that was done on the neighbouring sites, so I can't help thinking it's an added extra that really speaks of quality, both in the builder's construction technique and its conditions for workers.

Inside, you'd never guess that this was a day to count as a rain-affected day delaying completion. The brickies have got the day off, but the wall-sheeting team is in full flight laying out plasterboard and starting on the ceilings.

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